CLEAN ROOMS are today undoubtedly essential for the hospital healthcare sector, pharmaceutical production and research laboratories, but they also have a wide application in the mechanical, microelectronic and food industries. Basically, these are totally clean, controlled and sterilised ‘areas’ where the air inside them is purer than that normally circulating as the quantity of suspended dust micro particles is reduced to a minimum thanks to the use of specific systems and materials which generate an environment which is totally free of impurities.
Within the systems and materials present in the ‘clean room’ market, the sandwich panels proposed by Starcell can be used in all those environments where cleaning and sanitisation are absolutely essential elements and where it is necessary to make the surfaces easily washable in order to eliminate quickly the possible presence of bacteria and viruses, but also to prevent pathogens from originating and reproducing.
Starcell’s sandwich panels are perfectly suited to be used as a material for the construction of a ‘clean room’; in fact they can be easily coated with specific materials for the intended use such as paint or antibacterial PVC, solid surface (Corian), stainless steel; thanks to their particular characteristics of resistance, lightness, fire resistance, scratch resistance and ease of installation, they are perfectly suited to quickly create fixed or mobile type ‘clean rooms’ to meet quick assembly requirements dictated by particular situations (e.g. COVID-19).

The application of Starcell’s panels includes everything which determines the structure of the ‘clean room’ therefore ceilings and false ceilings, walls and dividers in general, floors and doors.
Within its product range, Starcell is able to offer its customers multiple choices regarding both the sandwich panel to be used and the finish:
RAWCELL® Metal – FP Panel (aluminium honeycomb core and primed aluminium skins – finishes: specific paint – antibacterial PVC – solid surface – stainless steel)
- RAWCELL® Metal – FPA Panel (aluminium honeycomb core and primed galvanised sheet skins – finishes: specific paint – antibacterial PVC – solid surface – stainless steel)
STALUFLEX® AL Panel (aluminium grooved core and primed aluminium skins – finishes: specific paint – antibacterial PVC – solid surface – stainless steel)
STALUFLEX® ZN ZN Panel (aluminium grooved core and primed aluminium skins – finishes: specific paint – antibacterial PVC – solid surface – stainless steel)